
abhinivesa:  the source of fear, attachment to life; one of the klesas

abhyantara kumbhaka:  holding the breath after inhaling

abhyasa:  practice 

acarya:  teacher

advaita:  non-dualism

agni:  fire, one of the bhutas 

agni sara:  a cleansing process using the "fire" of the human body to remove impurities

ahamkara:  the sense of "I"

ahimsa:  non-injury, consideration, love; one of the yamas

akasa:  space; one of the bhutas

ananda:  a state of bliss

ananta:  without end

anga:  a "limb", or aspect, of yoga

antara:  within, internal

antaranga sadhana:  internal practice in reference to Patanjali's path of concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and integration (samadhi)

antaraya:  obstacle to a clear and stable mind

anuloma ujjayi pranayama:  pranayama where one inhales with a sound in the throat (ujjayi) and exhales in a regulated way through alternate nostrils

ap:  water; one of the bhutas

apana:  dirt; the center in which bodily waste collects

apana-vayu:  the aspect of prana responsible for excretion

aparigraha:  to receive exactly what is appropriate and no more; one of the yamas 

artha:  meaning, purpose

asana:  posture

asmita:  sense of ego; one of the klesas

asmita samadhi:  the merging of the mind with the object of meditation

astanga:  eight limbs. Astanga yoga is the eight limbs of yoga as explained by Patanjali in the second chapter of the Yoga Sutra

asteya:  not coveting what belongs to others; one of the yamas

atman:  the self

avidya:  misapprehension, incorrect knowledge, false understanding; the most important of the klesas 

bahiranga:  external limb

bahiranga sadhana:  external practice that includes the first four limbs of astanga yoga

bahya kumbhaka:  holding the breath after exhalation

bandha: to bind or lock

Bhagavad Gita: a part of the epic Mahabharata where Krsna teaches yoga to Arjuna

bhakti:  devotion

bhakti yoga:  yoga in which devotion to God is prominent

bhastrika:  bellows

bhastrika pranayama:  bellows breathing through alternate nostrils

bhutas:  elements of space, air, light, water, and earth

brahmacarya:  one of the yamas. Moving toward the highest modification of the senses, it is the stage of life where the young student studies the sacred texts

brmhana:  to expand

buddhi:  intellect

cakras:  energy centers along the spinal column

cit:  consciousness

citta:  mind

citta vrtti nirodha:  mental state devoid of agitation

dana:  to give away

darsana:  one of the six classical points of view of Indian thought

desa:  place

dharana:  the state of mind in which the mind is oriented toward one point; concentration

dharma:  duty, ethical value

dhyana:  meditation

drastr:  the seer, that which sees

drsya:  that which is seen 

duhkha:  feeling of discomfort, pain

dvesa:  dislike, hatred; one of the klesas 

ekagrata:  single direction, single mindedness

gunas:  qualities of the mind; qualities of the universe

hasta mudra:  hand symbol

Hatha Yoga Pradipika:  a classical text on hatha yoga

hatha yoga:  yoga in which the aim is to unify the two energies of ha (the left) and tha (the right), and merge them into susumna in the center of the spine; the merging of prana and apana into the center of the body, at heart

ida:  a nadi that terminates at the left nostril

indriyas:  senses

Isvara:  God or Lord

isvarapranidhana:  to surrender and offer all actions to God, without attachment to the fruits of our action; one of the niyamas and a component of kriya yoga

jalandhara bandha:  chin lock

japa:  repetition of mantra

jnana yoga:  yoga in which the emphasis is on inquiry

kaivalya:  ultimate state of yoga, freedom

kapalabhati pranayama:  bellows breathing

karana:  cause

karma yoga:  yoga in which action is done as duty, without concern for success or failure

klesa:  affliction 

kriya:  action

kriya yoga:  yoga of purifying action as taught by Patanjali

ksipta:  agitated mind

kumbhaka pranayama:  breathing exercise in which emphasis is on the retention of the breath

kundalini:  the obstacle located in the center of the spine that obstructs the movement of prana into susumna

langhana:  to reduce

laya:  to merge

lila:  the divine play

mahat:  the great principle

manas:  the power behind the senses

mantra:  a sacred sound, often used as the object of focus during meditation

mrgi mudra:  finger position to control the nostrils during pranayama

mudha:  dull state of mind

mudra:  symbol

mula bandha:  base-of-trunk lock

nada:  sound

nadi:  subtle passage in the body through which prana moves

nadi sodhana pranayama:  alternate nostril breathing, bringing purification of the nadis

nidra:  dreamless sleep

nimitta karana:  intelligent cause, catalyst

nirodha:  restraint, state in which the mind focuses totally on one thing

niyama:  personal discipline

om:  a representation of Isvara (God)

parinamaduhkha:  duhkha arising from change

parinamavada:  the recognition that all we perceive is subject to change

parivrtti:  redirection, reorientation

pingala:  nadi that terminates at the right nostril

pradhana:  original source

prajna:  clear understanding in the spiritual field

prakrti:  matter

pramana:  right perception

prana:  life-force energy

prana-vayu:  one of the five main life energies

pranava:  mystical syllable that represents Isvara (God)

pranayama:  regulated breathing technique

pratyahara:  withdrawal of the senses

puraka pranayama:  breathing exercise in which the emphasis is on the inhalation

purusa:  source of consciousness, perceiver

raga:  attachment or desire; one of the klesas

rajas:  the quality of prakrti responsible for activity

raja yoga:  yoga in which union with the highest power is the goal; the yoga of Patanjali

recaka pranayama:  breathing exercise in which the emphasis is on the exhalation

rta prajna:  perception of a spiritual truth

sadhana:  practice

sakti:  power

samadhi:  state of meditation in which only the object of meditation is apparent

samana-vayu:  prana of the central region of the body, responsible for digestion

samavritti pranayama:  breathing technique in which different components of breathing are equal

samskara:  habitual movement of the mind; habit, conditioning

samskara-duhkha:  duhkha caused by habits

samtosa:  contentment; one of the niyamas

samyama:  total continuous concentration on one object

samyoga:  entanglement or confused identification

sannyasin:  one who has given up everything except God

sarvajna:  all-knower, omniscient

sattva:  one of the three qualities of prakrti responsible for clarity and lightness

satvada:  the concept that everything we see, experience, and feel is not illusion, but is true and real

satya:  truth, truthfulness; one of the yamas

sauca:  cleanliness, purity; one of the niyamas

siddhi:  gift; power that is given

sitali pranayama:  breathing exercise in which one inhales through the mouth, shaping the tongue in a particular way

smrti:  memory

sodhana:  purification

sthira:  steadiness and alertness

sukha:  lightness and comfort; happiness

surya namaskar:  sequence of asanas collectively called the salute to the sun

susumna:  central nadi running through the center of the spine, from the base to the top of the head

svadhyaya:  self-inquiry; any study that helps you understand yourself; the study of sacred texts; one of the niyamas and a component of kriya yoga

tamas:  one of the three qualities of prakrti, responsible for heaviness and stability

tanmatras:  the characteristics of sound, touch, form, taste, and smell

tantra:  technique

tantra yoga: yoga in which the focus is the elimination of obstacles that block the free movement of prana in susumna

tanu:  mild, feeble

tapa-duhkha:  pain caused by craving

tapas:  process of removing impurities; elimination, purification; one of the niyamas and a component of kriya yoga

trataka:  gazing at a static object to invite meditation

udana-vayu:  the aspect of prana responsible for speech and upward movement

uddayina bandha:  abdominal lock

ujjayi:  breathing technique in which one inhales with a sound in the throat

vairagya:  detachment, letting go

vayu:  air, breath, wind; one of the bhutas

Vedas:  Hindu scriptures that are the basis for all yoga

vicara:  reflection on a subtle object

vidya:  clear understanding, high level of knowledge

vikalpa:  imagination

viksipta:  state in which the mind is moving without any consistent purpose or direction

viloma krama pranayama:  breathing exercise in which one inhales in a regulated way through alternate nostrils and exhales through both nostrils with a sound in the throat

viloma ujjayi pranayama:  breathing exercise using nostril control for inhalation and exhalation

vinyasa krama:  a correctly organized course of asanas progressing appropriately toward a desired goal

viparyaya:  false perception

visamavrtti pranayama: breathing technique in which the different components of the breathing are not equal

visesa purusa:  Isvara (God)

Visnu:  God, one of the Trinity

vitarka:  reflecting on a gross object

viveka:  discrimination

vyana-vayu:  prana responsible for distribution of energy throughout the whole body

yama:  discipline concerning our dealings with society and the world

yoga sadhana:  yoga practice

Yoga Sutra:  Patanjali's classic text on yoga

yogi:  someone adept at yoga (male)

yogini:  someone adept at yoga (female)