Practices...because each day is different

Because each day is different...I've decided to create this page that explains the different types of practices I might find myself exploring throughout my journey. 

The "Superyogi!":  Ok, this is the superhero's version of a yoga practice.  Usually done first thing in the morning, before eating (although I do allow myself some hot tea and a little toast maybe).  Disclaimer:  Do not be frightened, it really is a GOOD day if this one gets done.  It takes about 4 hours, so getting this one in once or twice per week is an amazing feat I think!
  1. Reading/seeking true knowledge (30 mins - 1hr)
  2. 3 mile walk with the dogs (1 hour)
  3. APY Daily Conditioning (20 -30 mins)
    • Vase Breathing (10 breaths)
    • Neck Rotations (5 times each direction)
    • Neck Twists (3 times each side)
    • Arm Rotations (25 each direction on each arm, followed by 25 each direction with both)
    • Wrist Rotations with Tiger Claw (100)
    • Waist Twists (100)
    • Tibetan Body Pounding (10 each side)
    • Tiger Whirlwinds (10 each side)
    • Side Stretches/"Painting the Walls" (5 each side)
    • High Leg Kicks (10 each side)
    • Low Leg Lunges Side to Side (10 each side)
    • High/Low Combo (10 each side)
    • Seated Ab Vacuums (10)
    • Seated Alt. Nostril Breathing (3 left,  3 right, 3 both, repeat 3 times = 27 breaths)
  4. Agni Sara (5 -10 times)
  5. Sun Salutation A (5 times)
  6. Sun Salutation B (5 times)
  7. Ashtanga Primary Series (45 minutes - 1 hour)
  8. Headstand Practice (5 - 10 minutes)
  9. Savasana (5 - 10 minutes)
  10. PranayamaKapalabhati and Bhastrika, followed by Kumbhaka (5 - 10 minutes)
  11. Seated Meditation (5 - 15 minutes)
*If short on time, walking the dogs can be skipped or pushed off until later in the afternoon...still a Superyogi if you can get all the rest done!! 

The "Works with my Schedule":  attend class at either APY or any Sunstone location (preferably Rockwall 'cause I loooove them).  Usually a 1 hour class.  I still try to get 30 minutes to 1 hour of reading in somewhere...either early morning, or if I have some lag time somewhere in my at work...hahaha! just kidding, boss man ;0) This is probably my most common practice (3-4 times per week) right now...'cause it just "works with my schedule!" (1 hour)

The "I Need A Fix":  basically the same practice as the "Works with my Schedule", but the motivation for doing it is different...just miss the instructors, community, environment, etc. at a certain studio and need to get my fix!! This comes up at least once per week for each studio. (1 hour)

The "Mind and Soul":  A break from asanas, with more emphasis on reading/seeking true knowledge, pranayama practice, and meditation. Maybe once per week or once every two weeks (2 hours or more).  

The "Anything's Better Than Nothing":  Some days you just don't feel like getting moving.  If I've had a good string of strong asana practice days, then I'd go ahead and take a break, and do one of the practices listed below ("Simply Doggies" or "Off the Mat"), or perhaps the "Mind and Soul".  BUT, If I haven't had as much physical asana practice as I think I should, I will make myself get up and just start moving a little. This usually consists of Sun Salutations A & B (5 each).  I tell myself to just get up and do that little bit...and oddly you can imagine...this practice actually usually evolves into something better, longer, and more productive.  But I trick myself into thinking I'll just get up and move a little, because "anything's ALWAYS better than nothing!!"

The "Simply Doggies":  some days it's just beautiful weather out, my dogs are looking at me with those sweet little yogi eyes, and I know...this is the most important practice I could do today.  Love my doggies :0) This one pops up once or twice every two weeks or so. (1 hour)

The "Off the Mat":  I am, I must admit, no matter how much I love asana practice, still a golf junkie at heart as well.  So this practice shows up once or twice per week...when I just gotta get a golf fix, and I'm too tired to get other practice in before or after the round.  I take these opportunities to allow myself a break, and to practice my yoga off the mat...trying to face any challenges throughout the day with a true and mindful yogi approach.  Not that I don't try to do this everyday, but I pay special attention to it on these "take a break" type days. (all day long)

Workshops:  If I attend a yoga workshop, then of course, I usually count this as my practice for the day.