Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yoga Pixie is back!

Hello my fellow yogi-ites! I'm back! Sorry to have left you high and dry for so long. My yoga adventures slowed down a little the past few weeks (although I did get a lot of reading in as promised...finished Heart of Yoga, and started on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali).  But it looks and feels as though I am getting back into the swing of things again finally :0) 

This week started off great, and is continuing to bring me back to my old chipper yogi self.

Sunday:  Core Transformations yoga workshop with Ricky Tran.  We had taken a month break since Ricky was pretty busy with other commitments.  It was great to see all of my yogi workshop mates again.

Monday: Happy to accomplish the "Simply Doggies" in the afternoon, and followed it up later in the day with a "Works with my Schedule" at APY.  Thanks, Julie, for a great class!  It felt amazing to get the blood and prana pumping strong in me again!!

Tuesday:  Monday made me feel soooo good, I just had to do it again.  "Simply Doggies" in the morning, and followed up with another "Works with my Schedule" at APY...this time with Stevan.  Thanks, Stevan!

Wednesday(today):  Legs were feeling a bit tired this morning, so I decided to take a rest, and not walk the doggies.  Instead, I spent a lovely hour cooking up some healthy stuff for lunch and afternoon snack today. Lots of yummy fruits, veggies, and whole grains in my future today!  I've got a hair appt this afternoon, but am hoping the universe will conspire with me to get out of there in time to make it to Julie's 6:30pm class at APY again tonight.  Wish me luck!!

Gratitude:  Thanks to all of you that continue to show interest in my yoga pixie adventures.  I'll continue on my way, and be sure to share with you what I can.  And again, please, please feel free to share all of your yogi adventures with all of us as well!  Namaste!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Made my day!!

Here is a message I received from a friend today...made my day!! 

"Started yoga last week - you inspired me! The instructor was great, although he asked me if I was ok about 40 times (might be because I was purple). Forgot to breathe. Anyway he said I need to practice quieting my mind. I am not too good at that. I think I might need remedial yoga - do they have such a thing? I thought Beginners was as low as you could go. oh well."

My response went something like this:

"That is sooooooooo awesome! You made my day!! Sounds like you got a good teacher if he is telling you to concentrate on your breath and trying to quiet your mind. That is REALLY what the yoga is about...not really the poses and getting into shape. The physical stuff is a good side effect though :0) Keep it up! Be compassionate with yourself! That is a big one for me...the try to remember all of the time. Remember to take little baby yoga steps. TAKE BREAKS when you need them. Do not be concerned with how much "better" others around you are. Progress not perfection! It will CHANGE your life if you are patient and stick with it. Try to commit to at least 3 days per week for at least one month. I guarantee the progress will sneak up on you without you even knowing it's happening. You don't have to go full blown right out of the gate...might get burnt out or discouraged if you do. You need to post comments on my blog for me so others can see how your journey is going!! Did you join as a follower yet? Please, please keep me posted on your yoga. I am so excited for you! :0)"

Now...on another note...I actually have to take a little break from my own physical yoga practice this next week or so :0( But for good reason: medical...instructed to take bed rest for a few days after a procedure I'm having done...breast augmentation...hahaha...just kidding ;0) So why am I telling the whole world this (well, all my faithful yogi/yogini followers anyway)?  Because I am committed to this blog, and to sharing my entire journey with all of you...and this is part of my journey thus far.  Anyway, Just letting you know so you can focus and send some of your good yoga energy my way. But don't worry, the little twists and turns that life throws my way won't slow me down...I have BIG plans to catch up on A LOT of my reading and search of true knowledge during these upcoming bed rest days.  

This brings me to the subject of one of my favorite forms of motivation in my yoga practice: setting your intentions at the beginning of class/practice on someone other than yourself (ie. doing your yoga for the good of someone else).  It's a GREAT way to stay motivated and strong during the tough parts of class. Every time you get frustrated or feel like quitting, you just remind yourself that you are doing this for that certain someone, or some certain cause you believe in. It's amazing how much more you can do when you are doing it in honor of someone else. Granted, hopefully you can get to a place where you remember to care for yourself enough to be able to do your yoga for YOU at times as well...but I think most people find this "doing your yoga for someone else" style a little easier when they first start out.  I know I sure did.
Good luck with your yoga adventures this week! I will check in with my thoughts on whatever I get read this next week (finishing The Heart of Yoga and then will start on the Bhagavad Gita probably).

Gratitude:  thank you to all who have taken an interest in my yoga journey.  Thank you for continuing on your own yoga journey with vigor and enthusiasm. And thank you for my wonderfully good health...I do not take you for granted. Namaste to you all.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New "Practices" Page Added!

Hi all,  

I've got my new page added.  I named it:  "Practices...because each day is different." I'll be referring to these different practices when I blog, to save time not having to type it all out every time, and to save your nerves...not having to read through all of that to get to the other good stuff!! Click on the link to the left to check it out.

Since I last blogged, I've had a pretty good hatha (physical) practice going.  

Wednesday:  I did the "Superyogi!" practice.  ALWAYS a great start to the day when I get one of these in!! 

Thursday:  I did the "Works with my Schedule" practice.  Went to Kurt's 12 pm class. Wonderful as usual.  

Friday:  I did the "I Need a Fix" practice.  Went to see sweet Allie for Metal class at Sunstone, Rockwall.  I felt really strong and calm that day in class...probably because I was really craving some Allie Metal!!

Saturday:  I did the "Works with my Schedule" practice again.  Went to Kurt's 10 am class.  The practice was good but not as strong as the last few days...body was probably getting a little tired.  But still great, none the less.  

Sunday:  I did the "Off the Mat" practice.  Played golf.  Lost my cool a little more than I like to, so felt my practice was a bit weak today.  Nothing horrible, but would like to do better. Duly noted.

I got some reading in everyday as well (except today, Sunday...but working on blog, so that's cool). Been very focused on finishing up The Kind Diet, because I really feel the urge to hone in on the nutrition aspects of my practice.  Almost done with that book, and looking forward to picking back up with The Heart of Yoga sometime this week.

And THAT is where I'm AT! Where are you? Please do share :0)

Gratitude:  Thank you Kurt and Allie, for your smiling faces and motivation this week.  Thank you Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, that I knew I should not be drinking, but did anyway...those stinky farts you gave me ALL DAY LONG really helped me remember why I am supposed to stay away from coffee, dairy, and sugar!! Yikes!! And thank you beautiful husband for calling me "hot" several times this week :0) Namaste to you all.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

Had a busy weekend.  Friday started off great with another 3 mile walk with the dogs (in a BEAUTIFUL 80 something degrees if you can believe it).  Followed up the walk with another go at my up and coming personal practice...done outside this time in honor of the amazing morning that mother nature so kindly blessed us with.   I'm still learning/memorizing the sequence to the Ashtanga Primary Series, so it's a bit choppy with the flow still, and that tries to frustrate me at times...wanting to not interrupt the flow, as well as get as much practice in as possible for the time allotted.  But, I am staying patient and compassionate with myself, remembering it is all new, just layering one good foundational block on top of yoga step at a time ;0)  

I did manage to do a REALLY long headstand unassisted by the wall again that day...a whole 7-10 seconds I think!! I have found (made up) a good little sudo-mantra, if you will, to help me with this pose...and well, probably any pose...especially the balance poses..."find your center".  Repeating this over and over is helping me actually find my center both physically and mentally, so yea for that discovery! 

And of course I am sure I got at least a little reading in...oh yes, I remember now, I enjoyed a cup of tea outside in the wonderful cool morning breeze we were blessed with, and read more about pranayama in chapter 6 of The Heart of Yoga.  I am trying to read a little something every day as best as I can.  Reading right now mostly from The Heart of Yoga and The Kind Diet.

Saturday:  made it over to APY for an awesome, energizing class with Kurt in the morning.  Boy did I need that little fix.  Always amazing!  Oh! And my Champion juicer arrived!  Woohoo!  Getting organized to start juicing very soon now!

Sunday:  A day off from my physical practice, and headed out for a round of golf.  If you have never played golf, then you may not understand, but golf is a really great place to practice your yoga!  So many challenges, so many tests of patience and character...and soooooo many chances to BREATHE! 

Monday:  FDOY!!! in DFW! Free Day of Yoga! I started out thinking I'd find lots of cool classes and studios to go check out...a "yoga studio crawl" of sorts, but as I perused the long and wonderful list of opportunities being offered at over 85 studios in the DFW area, I suddenly found myself enthralled with a few offerings that really stood out, all offered in one place:  The Alive & Healthy Institute.  They offered lectures and practice throughout the day in:  meditation, relaxation, prana dharana, yogic psychotherapy, and tantric yoga.  "Whoa! I gotta check that out," I thought.  So I enlisted my lil sis to join me, and she in turn enlisted another friend to join us.  We had a regular yoga posse formed now! So we decided to make it a day long dedication to all of these one great big, day long FREE workshop! We attended lectures and practice from 7am-7 pm, making new friends and connections along the way.  We did manage to also squeeze in a 40 minute walk, so I'd say the day was a great success.  If you are interested in learning more about the science of breath, and the science of yoga (more than just the physical asanas of the practice), I would highly recommend checking out the Alive & Healthy Institute, in Dallas, TX.  They are a non-profit, mostly donation funded organization, that is truly committed to sharing all they have learned and experienced along their own personal yogic journeys with all who are seeking.  To find out more about the institute, the presenters, and classes/lectures offered, go to:

Today, Tuesday:  Had a doctor's appt, but timed it just right to have a good hour break afterward before attending class at APY again.  Shot over to Starbucks for a lovely Refresh tea, and got some good reading in from The Kind Diet.  Then it was off to class.  I took Stevan's class for the first time.  He was great! He teaches a really great flow! Left feeling good and in the om zone for the rest of the day. You know it's a good class when it lasts the rest of the day!

One last note:  I'm finding that starting each day with some good reading/seeking of true knowledge really sets a wonderful tone and motivation for the rest of my day.  Whatever I read I can take with me and contemplate, and perhaps even practice throughout the day.  Try it out...see if it doesn't help your days seem more meaningful and focused.

Gratitude:  Thank you mother nature for the amazing cooler weather last Thursday and really energizes and refreshes my soul.  Thank you Kurt and Stevan for leading me through my practice. Thank you Alicia Silverstone, for your book, The Kind Diet.  You are helping me feel more confident in my nutrition decisions. Thank you Blair, Dr. Terri, Dr. Anne, Judy and Rob @ The Alive & Healthy Institute for donating your entire Labor Day to some hungry yogis.  And thank you Paul for listening to your instincts, not getting hurt when the heavy rain today made that wall fall down at work!  Namaste to you all.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A day off is ok...

A strange start to the day today:  the plan was to head out to Ft. Worth for a round of golf.  Up at 6am and out the door about 7:15.  It was raining a little, but no biggie, we golfers like to think, "it won't last. No problem."  About 20 minutes into my drive, I decided, well, this looks like it is going to last. Time to throw in the towel.  Golf is just not going to be the plan today.  And I was ok with that, because through my yoga experiences I have learned that things do not always turn out the way we plan.  As a matter of fact, most of the time they do not turn out the way we plan, right?  And one of my favorite quotes says: "the only thing constant is change."  How true is that??

Which brings me to the subject of rainy days.  I honor the occasional rainy day that pops up in the middle of a long stint of dryer days.  The rain always seems to know when to show slow me down so I can refresh, reset, reconnect.  The universe, it always knows what you need.  You can trust it.  When you learn this, and learn to truly believe in it, your life becomes so much more peaceful.  The way you see the world becomes completely up to you.  In a way, when you finally realize that you are not in control, that is when you are finally in control.  I try to always keep an open heart and an open mind, working on my mindfulness, so as to miss as few hints being given to me by the world around me as possible.  Today I heard the universe saying that I should skip driving almost 2 hours in the rain to play golf, and stay home to catch up on some me time instead.  So that's what I did.

Once I was home, I took some time to catch up on chores around the house.  When things stack up, and I start feeling overwhelmed, I like to take a deep breath or two, prioritize what needs to be done first, and then begin my attack with "yoga steps" (a yoga pixie's version of baby steps).  Yoga, when practiced in the way it was meant to be practiced, is a series of small, gradual, subtle steps.  So to approach any challenges in your life this way, is to approach them with yoga steps.   Slowly but surely, with patience, focus, determination, and perseverance, progress is eminent. So this is how my day went...slower, more deliberate, more mindful in every chore to be done, enjoying it all.  As Bryan Kest once stated at a workshop I attended, "be gentle with everything in your life."

This leads me to an important lesson I have learned through my yoga thus far: Compassion for Self.  Being an innately type A perfectionist, this was a big one for me.  I have spent most of my life pushing, pushing, pushing, always knowing I could be better, and at times...many times...this pushing has led me to deep feelings of frustration and disappointment in myself.  Yoga has taught me that life is about the here and now, and that everything unfolds as it its own appropriate and very perfect time line.   

So to link this back to my day today, it's about learning that the hatha yoga doesn't have to happen every day, nor does it have to happen at the same intensity every day. As a matter of fact, I think it's probably more beneficial if it does not always happen the same way every day.  Our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our emotions, our moods, are all very different from day to day.  The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to learn how to listen to these "indicators" and allow them to direct what we subject ourselves to each day.   

This thought of the day has inspired me to create another reference page on this site that lists my different practices...some more intense than others, and some not involving asanas at all, but still practices nonetheless.  I'll work on getting that up over the next week, so if you are interested to see what I come up with, be sure to check back!

A few additional thoughts I had today:  I emailed a friend today that I had heard was sick...just checking in to let him know he was thought of and missed, and wished a speedy recovery.  This reminded me of one thing I have been trying to do more of lately...never let a kind thought go unexpressed.  If I think of someone, no matter how simple the thought, I try to always act on that thought.  You never know what effect expressing kind words can have on a person's day.  So, if I see a pretty dress on someone, I tell her.  If I appreciate someone's efforts, I tell him/her.  I have not yet mastered this skill, and still catch myself occasionally letting kind thoughts come and then go, never being expressed.  And the feeling is always one of a missed opportunity.  I suppose this could be considered karma yoga.  It is a selfless act done with no expectations of the result.  I consider it part of my practice of mindfulness and awareness.  It's a really fun practice.

Gratitude:   Thank you rain for always knowing when to come and slow me down.  Thank you yoga for teaching me that taking a day off is ok.  Thank you Paul for still wanting to make play dates with me after 12+ years.  Namaste.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This week's adventures so far...

Monday:  morning tea and a little reading to advance my understanding of yoga.  3 mile walk with the dogs, followed by 1 1/2 hours of personal practice.  Held headstand unassisted by the wall for a few seconds a few times...first time!! Told Ricky I'd get it by the time I saw him again in October...looking good!

Savasana, and namaste to me for a great start to the new week!

Gratitude:   Thank you to Paul for allowing me to switch my work schedule from mornings to afternoons so that I can continue more successfully on my yoga journey.  Namaste to you, my beautiful husband.

Tuesday:  morning tea and some reading again.  Then off to Sunstone for a rockin' Earth class with Allie!  Hadn't been in a while...felt great to get movin' and groovin' Allie style :0) Followed up with a nice round of golf with some girlfriends.  Home to the hubby and doggies for loving kisses.  Hot shower and soothing glass of red that's a good day!

Gratitude:  Thanks, Allie, for your awesome earthy energy and smiles.  Thanks to Gerry and Jenn, for always thinking of me when a round of golf is at hand.  Thank you golf for driving me crazy and teaching me so many valuable lessons that I can take out into the rest of my pixie life adventures.  Thank you Kurt for quoting "our challenges are here to serve us"...not a round of golf goes by without those wise words there to comfort and calm me.  Thank you doggies for always being so happy to see me, no matter what! And thank you Paul...I am so spoiled and blessed to have you.  Namaste to you all.

Wednesday:  morning tea and working on this blog...working hard to get it up to speed so I can relax and get into some real adventures soon.  Appointments and work...I gave them my full and undivided yogini attention.  Off to Metal class at Sunstone with Allie again...felt very strong today (even if I did grunt a few times during the 911 series).  Was good to do a tough flowing power yoga today.  Really focused on the breath...steady and unshaken...inhaling with upward movements, exhaling with the downward.  The miracles of pranayama absolutely fascinate me!

Gratitude:  Thank you for a nice quiet and calm morning to start my day.  Thank you to all of the staff at the doctor's office...everyone is always so friendly and helpful.  Thank you to the lady who pulled out in front of me without helped me practice my patience, control, and breathing today.  Thank you to the nice lady at La Madeleine who held the door open for are a rare and precious breed indeed.  Thank you Allie again, for your never ending smiles and positive energy.  Thank you yoga for putting me in the om zone for the rest of my evening.  Thank you beautiful cool are a miracle here in Texas in August.  Thank you Ricky for your FB post on B.K.S. Iyengar...I have a great new quote to add to my list of favorites!  Thank you Paul, my sweet loving favorite person in the whole world. Namaste to you all.

And we're off!

Ok.  So about 3 weeks ago I was going along strong in my practice, excited about Ricky's Core Transformations workshop that my sis and I have been attending, and suddenly was struck with the idea to start this blog.  I had been thinking that with all this abundance of great new info I was learning and practicing, I really needed to start writing some of it down...start journaling.  And then it hit me...why keep this all to myself?? I will share it with all who are interested, and then maybe they can share their experiences with me as well!  I could not sleep that night, and became obsessed with thoughts of how wonderful my blog would be. And then, before I knew what had hit me, I realized I had no motivation to do my physical practice. This worried me a little and went on for about 2 weeks.  But I was patient, reminding myself that the physical practice is only one aspect of my practice as a whole. So I practiced compassion for myself, and continued to work on getting this blog site up and running.  We met with Ricky again this past Sunday, and the fire for my physical practice was once again lit.  Yea! Thanks for that, Ricky!  

So on Sunday:  got a text from Ricky telling us that he just found out we could not use our usual space for practice and the workshop.  I did not worry, because I know and truly believe that everything always happens for a reason and works out the way it should.  And guess did!!  Ricky's girlfriend, Victoria, got approval for us to use one of the studios at the dance institute where she teaches.  Problem solved! The rest of the day continued to unfold beautifully as we went to lunch at a great Thai restaurant, and then ended up back at my house to finish out our studies and practice for the day.  We discussed and then practiced more in depth various pranayama exercises:  bhastrika, kumbhaka, nadi sodhana, and kapalabhati.   

Savasana, om, namaste...

Gratitude: thank you Ricky for remaining committed to our training, giving us your complete and undivided attention on just 4 hours of sleep.  Thank you, Victoria, for finding us a place to practice.  Thank you to our waiter at Red Curry for your wonderful and cheery service, followed by complimentary fried banana dessert! And as you will hear me say every single day, thank you Paul (my husband), for being the most wonderful man I have ever known, without whom my wonderful life as a yoga pixie would not be possible. I love you immensely!  Namaste to you all.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ready, set, go!

Ok.  I've been working on getting this blog up and running for a few weeks now.  It's not complete yet, but I just can't deprive the rest of the world of all of this wonderful info any longer.  So here goes the official launch/announcement.  I hope to be making posts daily, so please check back often to see where my journey is taking me.  And please feel free to comment and share your own yoga adventures.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Big Namaste Shout Out: The Dedication of this Blog

My yoga story begins as many others do.  I come from an active and athletic background.  My main love growing up was gymnastics.  As I grew older, I continued to feed my passion for health and wellness by becoming a competitive gymnastics coach, personal trainer, and aerobics instructor for several years.  And as many stories go, I also had my few years of "falling off the fitness wagon"...gained 30 lbs!  Fortunately though, my true spirit eventually found its way back to its beloved life of caring for itself, and I quickly got back into the fitness groove!

After a few years of maintaining my fitness through group exercise classes, cycling, etc., I found myself longing for something new, something different.  I had seen a few yoga classes going on at the gym, but always thought, "that is just a bunch of stretching...I can do that on my own."  But the interest and intrigue continued to grow, until one day I finally decided to go ahead and check it out.

Well, to my delightful surprise, this yoga stuff turned out to be what I quickly nicknamed "gymnastics for adults".  Bending, stretching, strengthening, balance, and focus...all of those wonderful things I had always loved about gymnastics...I could finally have them all again!  So I continued on my yoga path, attending classes at the gym a few times per week, until I once again found myself longing for more.  

Since those first yoga classes at the gym, I have poked and prodded, and dipped my little toes in several yoga classes, workshops, etc. And since those first classes at the gym, I have come to learn that true yoga is not just about the physical practice.  There is so much more to yoga than just being able to get your body into beautiful poses.

So to make a long story a little less we can get on with blogging about my latest and greatest yoga adventures...I'd just like to send out a big NAMASTE shout out and dedication of this site to all of my inspirational instructors and mentors along the way thus far:

@ Ricky Tran Yoga:  Ricky Tran...Namaste.
@ APY (American Power Yoga):  Kurt, Jen U., Jayme, Erica, Lana, Patti...Namaste.
@  Sunstone:  Ashley, Allie, Jenn, Kasey, and yes, even you Peter ;0)...Namaste.

You can check them all out by visiting them at their respective sites/studios listed on my "Sites and Studios" page of this site (button to left).

Thanks for stepping into my yoga world.  I hope you will find many little yoga breadcrumbs that help lead you out onto your own wonderful yoga journey!