Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This week's adventures so far...

Monday:  morning tea and a little reading to advance my understanding of yoga.  3 mile walk with the dogs, followed by 1 1/2 hours of personal practice.  Held headstand unassisted by the wall for a few seconds a few times...first time!! Told Ricky I'd get it by the time I saw him again in October...looking good!

Savasana, and namaste to me for a great start to the new week!

Gratitude:   Thank you to Paul for allowing me to switch my work schedule from mornings to afternoons so that I can continue more successfully on my yoga journey.  Namaste to you, my beautiful husband.

Tuesday:  morning tea and some reading again.  Then off to Sunstone for a rockin' Earth class with Allie!  Hadn't been in a while...felt great to get movin' and groovin' Allie style :0) Followed up with a nice round of golf with some girlfriends.  Home to the hubby and doggies for loving kisses.  Hot shower and soothing glass of red that's a good day!

Gratitude:  Thanks, Allie, for your awesome earthy energy and smiles.  Thanks to Gerry and Jenn, for always thinking of me when a round of golf is at hand.  Thank you golf for driving me crazy and teaching me so many valuable lessons that I can take out into the rest of my pixie life adventures.  Thank you Kurt for quoting "our challenges are here to serve us"...not a round of golf goes by without those wise words there to comfort and calm me.  Thank you doggies for always being so happy to see me, no matter what! And thank you Paul...I am so spoiled and blessed to have you.  Namaste to you all.

Wednesday:  morning tea and working on this blog...working hard to get it up to speed so I can relax and get into some real adventures soon.  Appointments and work...I gave them my full and undivided yogini attention.  Off to Metal class at Sunstone with Allie again...felt very strong today (even if I did grunt a few times during the 911 series).  Was good to do a tough flowing power yoga today.  Really focused on the breath...steady and unshaken...inhaling with upward movements, exhaling with the downward.  The miracles of pranayama absolutely fascinate me!

Gratitude:  Thank you for a nice quiet and calm morning to start my day.  Thank you to all of the staff at the doctor's office...everyone is always so friendly and helpful.  Thank you to the lady who pulled out in front of me without helped me practice my patience, control, and breathing today.  Thank you to the nice lady at La Madeleine who held the door open for are a rare and precious breed indeed.  Thank you Allie again, for your never ending smiles and positive energy.  Thank you yoga for putting me in the om zone for the rest of my evening.  Thank you beautiful cool are a miracle here in Texas in August.  Thank you Ricky for your FB post on B.K.S. Iyengar...I have a great new quote to add to my list of favorites!  Thank you Paul, my sweet loving favorite person in the whole world. Namaste to you all.

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